Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC  publishes a monthly electronic newsletter for faculty on how to compete successfully for research and education funding from federal agencies and foundations.

For information on subscription levels and how to subscribe, see below.

For a list of articles in each issue published to date, go here.


For all current subscriptions to the Research Development & Grant Writing News, your last issue will be the June issue.

Please Note: All subscriptions now have a common expiration of the June issue.  This has enormously simplified the subscriptions record keeping process, maintenance of the renewals database, and subscriber communications.  

You may already have a subscription. If your university has an institution-level subscription, you can get free access to the newsletter through your institution. For a list of institutional subscribers and instructions on how to access the newsletter, go here.

Free sample issues of Development & Grant writing Newsletter
available for download

Two sample issues of Research Development and Grant Writing News are posted as PDFs below:

December 2022 issue

August 2023 issue

We hope these free sample issues will help you to assess whether the newsletter will meet your needs.

This electronic newsletter contains both articles and links to resources on the web and has been formatted so that readers can click on embedded hot links to find more information on subjects of interest.

About the Publishers

Newsletter co-publishers Mike Cronan, PE (Texas 063512, inactive) served as Director, and Lucy Deckard (BS/MS Materials Science) served as Associate Director, of two highly successful research and proposal development offices at Texas A&M.  They both now serve as proposal development consultants at Academic Research Funding Strategies.

Regents Fellow Mike Cronan led the development and writing of center-level proposals funded at over $100 million System-wide

Lucy Deckard led Texas A&M’s New Faculty Research Initiative (2004-2009) to help assistant professors compete successfully for research funding with special emphasis on NSF CAREER and other young investigator awardsMore about us.